&hint1=I am a record of wine and bread in the forms of taxes, tithes, and donations& &hint2=I am on a cathedral& &hint3=I show the Beau Dieu& &hint4=I am in Chartres, France& &choices=Tympanum of the Last Judgement, south portal;View of Ka'bah, inside Grand Mosque;Window of St. Cheron, Bay XL11, north apse;Crystal Cathedral;Window of St. James, no.37, panel 2;Detail, figures on lower trumeau of central portal, south transept& &answer=Detail, figures on lower trumeau of central portal, south transept& &search=south transept Chartres& &title=Detail, figures on lower trumeau of central portal, south transept& &artist=& &medium=& &date=c.1194-1225& &location=Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France& &dimensions=&